Intelligent CRM Metadata
Our Project Executive Summary Team and Management Goals

Team and Management
There Has Been a Big Change:

The Information Technology field has gone through a number of drastic changes and sadly it is not for the better. The following may not be positive, but we need to present what we see as the actual picture with IT as our profession:

The IT teams of most big companies are producing throwaway system
The explosion offshore and outsourcing has forced small companies and their talented and skilled IT professionals out of the market
More and more CEOs and stockholders are dependent on tool vendors and outsourcing companies
Software vendors are producing poor quality software, and their sales teams are selling their poor tools to CEOs
These software vendors are literally milking companies with their support and endless charges
The big consulting or outsourcing companies are competing furiously without any concern for the advancement of our IT field.
IT has been using the same tool set such spring, Hibernate and Service oriented Architect (SOA) for over 12 years and most projects are more of a Monkey-See-Monkey-Do.
There has not been any advancement in IT and especially the databases and security
Management is the key element in any project and the lack of it produces bad products.
IT managers have job security as their main concern and priority where software project are compromised or totally failed
The immerge of new managers who have the education but lack management visions, skills and wisdom
These managers are playing it safe and not willing to take chances with new ideas or approaches
New developers are building poor system with hardly any documentation
These New developers have one goal is to produce quantity and not quality
Software methodologies are big factor is producing poor quality system
Managers are playing it safe by buying vendors tools which need constant customization and testing and projects are totally dependent on vendors support and not the development teams effort or talent
Testing and outsourcing of testing are the responsibility of managers and should not be left for others to run
CEOs are trapped with their teams who provide mostly lip service for their handling of projects and issues

Our Answer to Team and Management:
We do not need to emphasize the critical role of management, nor the team talent which managers guide to achieve projects success. We believe good management is the main ingredient in companies and projects. With the same talking, a captain is nothing without a crew, and having a strong team is vital in companies performance and success.

Regardless of management style (Micro or Marco), managers are responsible for everything running in companies and projects. Managers should have answers or find answers to plans, tasks, issues, ricks, performance, etc.

"We do what is best for our client" should be thinking pattern of every team member. Every team member should know his/her strength and weakness and complement other team members' strength and weakness to do what is best for the client. "Job Security" should not be team members' priority. Management must encourage and reward team-players and team leaders and mentors.

Answer to " There Has Been a Big Change"

The leading offshore and outsourcing vendors must invest in advancing our IT, tools and technologies and not to focus on maximizing their profits.
Since data, CRM, security and projects are growing exponentially and more complex, then intelligence and automation would be the answer to such growth. Managers, stakeholders and teams need to think in terms of building intelligent system which uses automation to cut cost, effort and time.
Managers and stakeholders need to take chances and manage the risk of building intelligent system with automation. They should be open to new ideas and approaches and not to play it safe by buying into vendors tools and trapped in these tools.
The price for building homegrown system outweigh vendors tools is the responsibility of management and not CEOs and managemnet should be building and testing these homegrown system and insuring their success.
We cannot emphasize the important of testing and management should provide guidance, specs, documentation, plus track testing and testers.
Data and data handling need a revolution where we need to end working with dummy, static-stationary (sitting dock for hackers target practice) and clumsy data system. Data is the lifeblood of any system and must circulate and nourish the running system.
Reusability, documentation and loosely coupled components must be the goal and development teams must end the practice of building throwaway system.
Developers must have quality at heart and end what we call "Xbox or Nintendo" developers' code which has no quality nor reusability.

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